August 29, 2012

FEATHER MUSE We started our day with a soothing yoga class, we then played with some face painting and ventured around until with stumbled across a wise, old sheltered tree where i snapped away as the light poured through the long bodied tree, through the leaves and onto Britt.

August 16, 2012

DAY DREAM BELIEVER The days are now getting hotter, flooded with blue sky and sun beams. I took the opportunity to take photos of Miss Bridget B. We climbed to the highest point and recorded the change in pattern from thunderstorms to the sun on our skin in the late afternoon.
SURROUNDED BEAUTY Recently I had my little brother come down and stay with me for a few days. As we explored the place I live I was overcome by how much beauty there is in the simple things. The world in which we look at everyday can be visual chaos, it is our job to make sense of the chaos.